Social Media Tips and Tricks
If you're into marketing then you must of heard about social media marketing. Social media marketing relies on creating relationships between your customer and your company whilst also creating leads and business. Sounds easy right ? .... Wrong.

Getting social media marketing right is hard work, you can spend hour upon hour searching out trending words and then to only realise you've been looking in the wrong places.
Here are my top tips to help you get it right first time.
1. Use the advanced search setting when looking for key words ... The more you can add the better results you'll get
2. Engage in tweets and conversations. This will not only increase your brand awareness but will help create a rapour with who your talking too
3. Always put pictures on your posts. Not only do pictures increase engagement with your posts they also look pretty
4. Follow and like people who share the same interests as you. This will help you benchmark your content
5. Remember that social media marketing can be a 24/7 job
6. Always make sure your grammar is correct
7. Be yourself, don't be a sheep
Follow these tips and youll be on your way to becoming a social media god !